A Shifter Witch

He raised his eyebrow. Shirley would certainly be pleased to hear that snippet of information.I can see where it would create problems for those vampires who did not care for their thralls.

Indeed. And what if turning someone you loved into a thrall took it one step further?

He took another sip of wine and watched the silent car as the implications of her statement swirled through his mind.You think there's been some sort of psychic sharing between us?

No. What I think is happening is more a merging. And if that's the case, you're both going to have to be very careful until you discover the full extent of the merger.

People can't share psychic talents, Gwen.

You're right. People can't. But you and Shirley are no longer just people.Amusement threaded her mind voice.The possibilities of this union are damn exciting, let me tell you.