Frightened or not

He grunted and shoved his hands into his pockets. His casual stance didn't fool her for a second. His arms and shoulders were tense. He was ready to move, ready to blur into night.

"Where's Ethan ?" she asked quietly.

His Cheshire-cat smile came back full force. "Safe. Alive."

"He'd better be."

"Or what? You'll stick me with your little knife?" He snorted . "Sweetie, you won't even see me move."

"I don't have to. I'm psychic, remember. I can smell evil."

"Yeah, right."

She raised an eyebrow. "You did a circuit of this park before you walked in here, did you not? Starting from the zoo end and working your way around?"

He sneered. "That's nothing more than a guess."

"No guess. You don't know as much about me as you think, Farmer. And what you don't know will kill you."

"Will it now? Shall we test your little bluff?"