You are Amazing

Her misty fingers slid from his chest, and Farmer's expression seemed to collapse with relief. But a flicker of cold amusement shone in his eyes. He thought he had them all fooled. Thought he could yet escape and gain the upper hand. The shadows half concealing his body grew sharper.

Sweat dripped down Shirley's chin and mingled with the blood running down her arm. She battled to keep her kinetic hold locked tight, knowing she had to keep him still until Ben got there.

But her head felt like it was going to explode, and her whole body shook with effort. If she was siphoning Ethan 's energy, he was obviously in pretty bad shape, because she wasn't feeling any influx of strength.

The three ghosts ringing the young vampire parted, allowing Ben through. He stopped beside Seline and raised the gun to Farmer's head. Ghostly fingers joined his on the trigger.

"She may let you go," he said flatly. "But I never will."