A Lovely Mother

In a large field that was filled with several sizes of training dummies and countless racks of different weapons, blended with the bulky soldiers patrolling the field.

Under the bright moon and lights that were installed around the field, a tall elven boy could be seen swinging his sword vigorously while his shirt was drenched with his sweats.

"Niel, I think you have to take it easy,  you have been training non-stop for the past few days without eating all the food the maids brought to your room. I'm afraid that if this continues, I will be forced to get you grounded for a month" A woman's voice sounded afar.

"Come on mom, I know that you wouldn't get me grounded. Besides, I'm eating those foods, albeit in small portions. I can't get myself together after I've been defeated by a human who was the same rank as me, It hurts my pride mom!" Niel shouted and gritted his teeth, stopping his swinging for a minute to catch his breath.