Attack On The Human Realm (1)

In Uruja Ana could be seen in what looks like a market, she was currently in front of her shop, trying to get customers to buy her goods.

She was selling all kinds of food and provisions but in a small way since she couldn't afford to open a large shop.

"Sigh... It's been so tough today, I haven't made any sale, even after I closed down my stall and rented a shop" Ana thought and wiped off the beads of sweat rolling down her forehead. Ana had recently rented the shop and closed down her stall, her mother gave her some money to find a shop because of her condition. Although, Nana didn't want Ana to do any work, however, Ana was hesitant to work which made Nana give in to her daughter's request, she didn't allow her to return to Amon's house after what he did to her. Nonetheless, Amon would still come to her shop just to stir up trouble and embarrass her that she was a cheater.