Telling Tina


That's the only thing I can feel right now.

I can also feel some soft and squishy things pressing against my arms….

With curiosity killing me, I decided to grab the squishy stuff.

"Aahan~~" A moan erupts as I squish the soft thing.

Opening my eyes, I can see a familiar ceiling, and sleeping by my side is Tina.

Fuck…..what the heck happened yesterday!

I only remember taking a heavy blow to my stomach. D-Did Tina come to my rescue? No….fuck! I couldn't even beat that dude.

What the heck happened!?...

[TCH! TCH! Is that how to appreciate me? I saved your friggin ass from dying. That dude is at the Mystic rank! One of the prestigious ranks! But I easily killed him yesterday.

However, I  broke him down before killing him yesterday, fufufu….] Mystro tells me with an evil laugh.

Hearing his annoying voice, I don't know if I should be happy or sad.

Even worse, I don't know if he had sealed Gina.

"Mystro, what did you do? I hope you didn't do something crazy huh?"