1 - Yggdrasil Lost

Momonga sits upon his throne editing Albedo's settings, unaware he is being observed by two people. They stand behind him seeing him write 'She is deeply in love with Momonga.

"Pft, Momonga if you were lonely you could have asked me, bone daddy." The woman said, scaring the wits out of him. He quickly removed the part about her being in love with him and closed the menu.

"I know what it's like to be lonely before AND after I met Nari here." The man said as Momonga stood from his throne, he looked at Nari giving Veri the stink eye before punching him in the arm.

"You guys came! HeroHero was here earlier, but he went offline." Momonga said before sighing.

"Yeah, we saw him get offline, but we decided to take a look at our room one last time before we rebuild it in a different game... I saw another DMMORPG that looks promising, we're probably going to play that one too." Veri said, scratching the back of his neck.

"Yeah, we got a minute until the game shuts down, any last words?" Nari asked Momonga.

"Well, I'd like to..." Momonga suddenly disappears, the text popping up saying he's been disconnected from the server.

"Wow, shit time to lose internet connection..." Veri said, looking to the throne of kings.

"We'll probably find him in another game, love, we know his MO, after all." Nari said, taking a seat on the arm of the chair.

Veri follows suit, they sit there in silence albedo and the Pleiades waiting for an order that would never come. Nari leans back and closes her eyes, Veri slips down into the chair itself and lays his head on her thighs. They remain like this for a couple of minutes... Veri shoots up to his feet and looks around.

"Uh, Dear, my HUD is missing..." Veri said

Nari stood up, eying him down. She gets closer and closer until she suddenly grabs him down under. He lets out a 'hng' before looking down.

"Why aren't you being punished for touching? Wait, how the hell did you discover my penis before I did?!"

"Is something matter Lord VeriBlodi, Lady NariBlodi?" A woman's voice asked from the side of the two, who just look at one another. Veri swats her hand away and brings her in close, turning away from Albedo.

"That's really not normal... She was actually talking right, not your shitty voice impressions?" Veri said before getting decked in the face and flying backward into a wall.


"I'm sorry love! You actually felt that?!" She said concerned, rushing to his side as he stood back up, rubbing his face.

"We're not in Kansas... Uh, Yggdrasil no more" Veri said, the bruise on his face already healing, he wiggles his mouth around a bit before turning to Albedo, and the Pleiades stare at the two with confused expressions.

"Give them an order..." Veri whispered to Nari who looked at him looking out of her element.

"You're the manager at our office, not me!" She whispered rather loudly.

"Ugh... Ahem, Everyone, figure out what the hell is happening and report back within the hour!" Veri shouted, all of them quickly bowing before Nari moves his face to meet hers.

"You know damn well what we're about to do." Nari said, looking at him in a lecherous manner.

"On the chair?" He asked with a smile as they embraced.

Fifteen minutes pass and albedo returns to the door that leads to the throne room, she pauses as she hears very telling sounds with crashes accompanying them. Thirty minutes pass of constant noises before one last loud crash and moan. Albedo finally enters, seeing VeriBlodi and NariBlodi Both looking exceptionally pleased and barely dressed.

"Please excuse my intrusion, my Lord, lady," Albedo said, approaching the pair as they now sit on the throne Nari in Veri's lap.

"Please report what has been discovered." Veri said, looking much calmer than before.

"The Great Tomb Of Nazarick is no longer surrounded by a swamp, it's surrounded by grassland, there are no intelligent creatures within a mile." Albedo explained Veri swapping places with Nari on the chair.

"This is bad... We need to form a counsel as we no longer have a leader... I'm not cut out to lead something this large, let alone we don't have Momonga's intellect to assist us." Veri said before standing up, looking down, closing his Gi.

"Have all the floor guardians gather here... Shit I think Victim is currently dead. Oh damn, I don't think we can activate Gargantua without Momonga. Ah, whatever, just get everyone you can. Here take my ring and get Shalltear first she can use the gate spell." Veri said, removing a ring of Ainz Ooal Gown from his ring finger and tossing it to Albedo.

"I'll be back with your most glorious ring in no time, my Lord." Albedo bows before putting the ring on her index finger, she disappears shortly after. Veri looks somewhat conflicted.

"Hmm, this situation is kinda good but bad... We've no doubt been Isekaied or our bodies are still connected, and we're going to die without ever knowing, ugh, it might be both." Veri said looking in deep thought.

"Our menus aren't working, but I do feel my skills and many things I was horrible at remembering before..." Nari said standing up.

Veri flicks an earring he is wearing on his left ear. A loud beep sounds out, notifying him he has connected to his desired target.

"Is something the matter, Lord VeriBlodi?" Albedo asked, having been contacted by Message.

"I merely wanted to test to see if my magic items would work properly, apologizes. But while I have your attention, bring everyone to the meeting room. Instead, you all have my permission to use the seats there, I feel as if we're about to do a lot of talking." Veri said, disconnecting the call.

"So it's good our items work love... But do you think they might be of limited use?" Nari asked, touching an earring on her right ear.

Veri pitches his right earring and shortly after a gate opens up in front of the two they step through and take a seat that they both share, Nari once again sitting on his lap.

"Well, I can sense that my enchanted earring is recharging, that's a good sign, but we should still be careful about items that don't have recharging properties." Veri said, hugging Nari, laying his head on her arm while she sat on him.

"Love, this may be a bad time but does our arrangement still stand? I know it was just in-game and online but what about this place?" Nari asked Veri, raising his face to meet hers.

"This is really... Real, just as in real life when we tried Polygamy, but I got incredibly jealous. I'm not sure how I feel about it just yet, we'll have to figure it out with somebody in Nazarick... Just make sure they aren't larger than me and that I'm actively involved. I will do the same for any woman... But the question is who?"

Before they could continue their chat, a large gate opens up and the guardians step forth.

"Please take a seat, any will do. Albedo, I assume you've informed everyone of the situation we are in." Veri asked Albedo while all the guardians.

"I have Lord VeriBlodi... On a side note, my Lord and my Lady, we all wish to pledge our entirety to your services, please use us as you wish." Albedo and the rest of the guardians kneel after moving closer to the two.

"Just... Just say Veri or Lord Veri or even Master Veri the whole name feels strange when said... I'm sure Nari feels the same way. I have no intention to lead the guild or rather Nazarick as I would not be a suitable replacement." Veri adjusts, and Nari gets off his lap and into a chair nearby.

"Love, you're literally a manager in the real... Uh, the other world Besides, I doubt they'll lead themselves as they are all programmed to worship us, guild members, as gods." Nari said, placing her hand on his shoulder.

"I agree with Mistress Nari Master! You are the only one who can lead Nazarick, you're one of the two remaining supreme beings who abandoned us." Albedo said as a wave of energy flows over the entire room emanating from Veri. He grips the arm of the chair, crushing it entirely.

"Do not speak ill of your other Masters! They had no choice in not being here Momonga stayed as well guaranteeing the life of Nazarick. Nari and I both haven't even contributed a fourth of what he has done to make sure the tomb still stood! So watch your tongue when referring to your Masters." Veri said, his eyes vibrantly glowing as the stone chair's armrest was crushed to dust.

"Please forgive my words, Master, punish me how you see fit!" Albedo said clearly in distress.

"Love, are you alright?" Nari asked with a concerned look.

Veri shook his head, looking at the dust he was gripping within his hand slowly falling out of it. He takes a deep breath to calm himself from the unnatural anger he felt.

"Please excuse my anger, that is not who I am. I'm not sure what came over me but my point still stands. Please don't think any less of my fellow guild members, there are numerous reasons for them not being here. I will not punish you, Albedo, just remember my words." Veri takes another deep breath and leaned back in his chair, closing his eyes.

"I'll take over for Veri for the moment... I think he wanted to create a counsel, so you all can come up with solutions to problems you would then share with him or rather us. He has done this with those he has managed in the other world." Nari returns to Veri's lap and lays her head on his.

"It's as Nari says I have used this tactic before, and it's been incredibly effective, If I think it's a solid idea I might still adjust it. Just as we are now we need to remain anonymous, we are at a severe disadvantage if anybody or anything discovers us. So ideas?" Veri said, looking at the guardians, Nari looks excited all of a sudden.

"Oh! Love, I have an idea we should send the ever adorable Aura to scout the surrounding area until she finds intelligent life!" Nari said, clearly overexcited.

"You and your stealth games, dear... But yes that is a good idea, is the ever adorable Aura up to the task?" Veri asked, looking at Aura, who is far redder than a dark elf should be.

"Y-Yes, Lord Veri, I-I'll get right on it!" Aura said, saluting, still flustered, bowing then quickly running out of sight.

"Um... L-lord V-Veri I-I have an s-suggestion." Mare timidly says.

"Mare, you don't need to be nervous, just tell me your idea, you don't need to worry nobody will judge you, or your idea. However, if anyone does, then they're underestimating the situation we find ourselves in." Veri said, smiling warmly, looking at Mare.

"Yes, lord Veri! You said we need to be anonymous, so we should hide the great tomb from sight..." Mare said, shrinking down.

"Excellent idea Mare I was thinking that I'm not really versed in magic at all I was a horrible mage when I first started... Are there any illusion spells that could render all of Nazarick invisible?" Veri asked Mare, who looked far more confident than he initially was.

"It would be hard to hide all of Nazarick with just magic... B-But if we were to cover Nazarick in dirt and grass, we would be able to pass as a hill." Mare said looking happy. Albedo looks rather displeased, while Demiurge places his fingers on his chin, clearly thinking about what Mare had said.

"If we want it to be hidden we should create more hills, if it's just a grassland then it would be hard to remember a major change of many hills opposed to one." Nari chimed in, hopping off Veri's lap, heading towards Mare.

"We should raise our security to the maximum, my masters. I will gladly arrange further obstacles for would-be intruders." Demiurge said.

"See to it at once," Veri said, Demiurge only bows in response and leaves the room.

Veri spots Nari lifting Mare and hugging him rather tightly.

"I've always wanted to do this!" Nari said, rubbing her face on his.

Veri just begins laughing as Mare struggles to say anything at all. He then whistles to grab Nari's attention, as soon as she looks at him, he nods his head towards Shalltear who stands by.

"Shalltear would you like to join Nari and Myself in our room, we have a few things we would like to discuss with you." Veri said as Nari nodded her head, setting Mare down.

"Of course, Lord Veri!" Shalltear said, making a perverted face.

"We should retire to our rooms right this minute, then! Mare, please see to the walls and the fake hills too." Nari said, disappearing from sight, no doubt running to hers and Veri's room with utmost haste.

"Cocytus, I'll be stopping by the fifth floor to test a few things so stick to your duties or whatever Demiurge or Albedo may ask of you until then," Veri said, standing up and leaving the room followed by Shalltear.

"What will we be discussing, Lord Veri?" Shaltear said, knowing precisely what will be taking place.

"If you want to play coy, we could discuss the fact you are padding your chest, dearest Shalltear. But you're joining us of your own volition, not out of loyalty or worship, be honest." Veri said, looking over to her, clearly still embarrassed about her chest.

"Yes, Lord Veri, ever since I've laid my eyes on you and Lady Nari I've wanted nothing more." Shalltear said cordially.

"That's good I don't want to take advantage of anybody just because they revere me. It feels wrong. I need to try and keep my morals as I've never been less h... Ah, it doesn't matter, let's hurry up, I'm quite excited." Veri said, looking at Shalltear.

Several hours later the pleasure of the flesh had finally lost its appeal and Shalltear left looking incredibly pleased.

"I wasn't aware Shalltear liked women as well as men love. Though when she got lost discussing her... numerous fetishes, it makes me question Peroronchino was really into... well, dead things or if he was being 'Creative'." Nari said, tightening her waistband.

"I won't judge anybody for whatever fetish they may have provided they have consent if not they should just keep it to their damn selves, Nari, let's sneak to the surface I want to see outside... Use your Gate earring and bring us there." Veri said.

Nari pinches her left earring and a gate opens up to the surface, they both enter and are awestruck by the sight they were beholding. A night sky clearer than the pair had ever seen, the two of them stayed there transfixed an hour until Aura returned.

"Lord Veri, Lady Nari, what are you two doing out here?" She asked curiously.

"We're stargazing Aura, come join us," Veri said before suddenly lifting her up and placing her on his shoulders.

"You would have made a great father love, Maybe it could work out in this world," Nari said as Aura sat atop Veri's shoulders.