2 - Village

Inside a shabby room with wooden furniture, Veri and Nari both sit on the bed. Veri sports a cocky grin as he played rock-paper-scissors with Nari. She loses again and again.

"How the hell can you consistently win at rock paper scissors?! We've been playing for hours and hours, but you've never lost, that's impossible!" Nari said, crossing her arms in a huff.

"Dear, please be considerate to the villagers, they were kind enough to let us stay here... Though we probably should have said we were going to camp in the forest, I already feel cooped up." Veri said, hugging Nari then kissing her on the cheek, she tries to stay angry but cracks a smile.

"I'm glad they completely and utterly accepted that we had no traveling gear because we're monks. We know we're definitely strong when that horned wolf with chains attacked us. Poor puppy turned into a red mist." Nari said, looking somewhat sorrowful.

"We do need to be careful not to get blood on us, me more than you. Your frost specification lets you remain calm regardless of the situation... Whereas my fire specification makes me stronger, violent, and prone to anger... Remember when that guild attacked and activated my blood frenzy debuff? I killed half of them and peperoncino by accident. It's bad that the flavor text for most of my skills involves me getting angrier and angrier..." Veri said, looking down at his hand.

"Yeah! You auto-equipped your God of Wrath armor and cloak of bloodshed, then immediately activated all of your skills. That was awesome to watch you were living up to your armor's namesake before they finally stopped you. But damn were you sexy engulfed in flames hair standing up!" Nari said, excitedly punching at open-air, the room shaking in response to her weak punches.

"This is all quite surreal, we short of accepted all of this rather easily, huh?" Veri asked.

"Yeah but what was left for us in the 'real' world, I'm just scared this might be a dream, and I'll wake up still unable to bear your child..." Nari said, looking down.

"Stop blaming yourself, it was that bastard's doing, and we dealt with, unlike the police." Veri said a red aura seeps from his body the room turning many shades of red the stone at his feet cracking. Nari grabs his shoulder the aura stops seeping out.

"I know, I know it's still always on my mind, but my passive helps me deal with that fucked up situation..." Nari said, chuckling nervously.

Veri tilts his head, Nari, following suit, they sit there for a second as the sound of horses and armor could be heard becoming louder and louder.

"That's concerning... Let's watch through the window." Veri said looking outside seeing horses ride through the village, atop the horses were men in white armor with blue clothing beneath. One of the men hopped off the horse and stab a villager in the back who was trying to run away.

"This doesn't really involve us... But, do you want to kill them for the fun of it, dear?" Veri said before making a weird face.

"I also want to kill them... I think we might have a little more than just plain old lust... A bloodlust!" Nari said excitedly.

"Yes dear, I got that loud and clear..." Veri chuckles lightly before a knight kicks in the door.

The knight gets sent flying out no sooner than the hinges from the door drop to the ground. He slammed into one of the other houses, sailing through the wall. Others quickly rush over to inspect what made the loud crashing noise. Veri and Nari duck down, exiting the building.

"Form up men!" A knight said eagerly, many other soldiers join in forming up...

Veri and Nari, both smirk as they've suddenly vanished the knights in the back left are taken out first from a single punch being ripped apart by the sheer force. Whereas the knights in the back right are cut in half by a spinning kick from Nari. Veri's eye twitches as some blood gets on his face. Nari quickly pats him on the shoulder and licks the blood off his cheek.

"That was both creepy and disgusting... Also, wonderful. Forget it, let's just go all in and indulge in this world, no matter what may befall us!" Veri exclaimed looking slightly crazed as he eyes the blood on the ground.

Knights surround the pair, shivering as Veri Looks back at them with glowing eyes.

"No, no, no! Forget this!" a cowardly knight said, turning to flee, running into Veri who just places both hands on the sides of his helmet and crushed it along with his head. He picks up the body and tosses it in front of a knight, who is praying on their knees.

"No sense praying to your non-existent god. Forsaken them and worship me and the love of my life... Heh, eternal un-life oh what a true blessing." Veri said encroaching on the knight who just slumps over unconscious. Veri just frowned, stomping his head to the ground.

"My love, perhaps we should let them spread the word. Besides, you're on the brink of a frenzy. We shouldn't scare the villagers here." Nari said, lifting her arms and shrugging. Veri takes a breath and shakes his head.

"As a great act of mercy, thanks to my wife, you may all run like cowards! If you dare attack this village again, you will be slaughtered and be forgotten!" His voice boomed, carrying throughout the village.

The knights just stand around.

"GO RUN NOW BEFORE I BEGIN A WILD HUNT!" Veri shouted even louder, jumping all the knights into gear them running off, some dropping their swords.

Veri and Nari convince the villagers they are not savage beasts as more soldiers could be heard on the horizon. The chief of the village asked for more help, which they graciously accepted. The villagers hide away in the village chiefs home.

A short while later men in brown leather and gray armor come to a stop spearheaded by a rather built man who dismounts and approaches, hand on his weapon. Nari eyes him up and down before looking disappointed suddenly.

"I am the captain of the royal select of the kingdom of Re-Estize, Gazef Stronoff, identify yourselves." He stated in a powerful voice.

"I am Veri Blodi of Ainz Ooal Gown. And this is my wife Nari, We were resting in this village when we suddenly came under attack from knights in white armor we stopped them... I'm glad you are friendly, as I'd rather not dirty my hands anymore." Veri said, bowing his head to the warrior.

"Thank you for protecting the villagers, I'm truly grateful!" Gazef said going to kneel but is stopped by Nari.

"You don't need to kneel, we would rather not look down even further... Besides, we did what was right protecting the villagers, though some unfortunately died before we could handle the situation." Nari said, licking her thumb, rubbing it on Veri's chin, removing blood she had missed.

"I still must show my gratitude for doing the job I am supposed to do. Please, name your price, I'll see that it is met."

"I mean, money would be nice to have... But it's rather pointless we are monks who have shut ourselves in for hundres of..." Before Veri could finish incriminating them, a soldier suddenly pulls Gazef aside. Nari punches Veri in the shoulder.

"Dear, you know how I get with people, it was already hard enough lying about that time we killed that bastard to the authorities... I even got his job after." Veri said, making an awkward face as Gazef returned.

"Many men in robes are approaching. I hate to ask when you've already done so much. But, would you consider helping once again, this time as a mercenary, so you can be rewarded properly." Gazef said, clearly dead set on rewarding him somehow.

"I refuse," Veri simply responded.

"What if we forcefully draft you by the laws of this kingdom?" Gazef asked Veri. The soldiers quickly surround them with weapons drawn, neither Veri nor Nari flinches.

"I would have to accept, despite our traditions of not taking many lives in one day... Quite lucky, breaking laws is worse in the eyes of our traditions only one thing is greater than that... So we're temporary soldiers under your command, yes?" Veri asked. Gazef just smiled.

"Love, I was actually worried you were going to completely decline..." Nari trailed off as Gazef stood proud.

"Alright, I order you to assist us in subjugating any further threats." Gazef said with a smile and a laugh. They all entered the forest to get a better look at the surrounding threat.

"This village doesn't seem all that important, why? Would the captain of the royal select be enough to warrant this kind of response?" Nari asked. Gazef sighed before looking into her eyes.

"That's the most likely case... The Slane Theocracy must have had people parading as knights of the empire, attacking the villages in hopes of luring me out." Gazef said, looking at Nari and Veri.

"Alright, we may have to break the conscripting thing... We are not deserting or anything. But to ensure your safety, we are going without you or your troops. Go, defend the humans..." Nari said before realizing her slip of the tongue

"Dear, I'm sure my eyes were glowing earlier... It's no secret that we aren't humans, not to mention my slip of saying hundreds of years. We are vampires... and I know that probably isn't very comforting but, we have no intention of drinking blood from the innocent. Our monastic traditions forbid it." Veri said Gazef's expression remained the same as he nodded.

"I don't believe you are evil, Sir Blodi. I appreciate your honesty. If you're dead set on taking them on... We will protect the villagers while you two stop them." Gazef gripped both Veri's and Nari's hands tightly.

Veri and Nari give toothy grins as Nari then gave him a hug he looks rather uncomfortable with, she bows in apologizes as Veri and Nari then approach the only mage not wearing a hood. The man eyes them up and down.

"Greetings worshipers of false gods, I would say it's a pleasure to meet you but..."

"How dare you insult the six great gods! Angels kill this blasphemer!" The man screams

Every angel except the largest one rushes Veri and Nari. The pair just stand there as the hoodless man smirks. They don't move an inch as all the angels are blasted away with loud booms as if several unseen explosions had just occurred.

The hoodless man stares in disbelief as every hooded mage casts many magic spells, some of which catch both Nari and Veri's interest. Every spell fails to affect the pair, who just stand there bored.

"The angels felt familiar dear, but some of those spells I used when I was trying out the mage class but standing around and waiting for spells to cast is just boring also having to remember all those spells is just damned exhausting..."

Veri is suddenly struck by a white mace in the side of the face, he just looks over to see the large angel struggling to even move him slightly. Veri just backhands the angel, sending it flying to the side before it dissipates.

"I-Impossible! An angel of that level beaten so easily!? Then I shall summon the most powerful angel!" The non-hooded mage scrambles around his robes looking for something.

Nari laughs as she produces a crystal ball from out of nowhere that she tosses up and down.

"You should keep track of magic sealing crystals... Besides this thing doesn't contain a Seraph class angel just a lowly Dominion Authority... Do you even know what a Seraph is? We should dash our hopes of finding anything worth killing in this new world." Nari said, disappointed as some mages break ranks and run away.

"I'm done with these disappointments let's just kill the ones who foolishly stayed and have the scouts pick up the ones who ran," Veri then lunged at the remaining mages ripping them apart with ease, taking care to get no blood on him as Nari activates her message earring.

After all the mages had been slaughtered, they made their way back to the building they had the villagers hide in. Gazef exits first, smiling.

"Say, are you married, Gazef? I noticed you wear that ring with great pride, much like Veri does with our wedding band." No sooner than Nari said this Veri quickly touches his own ring finger cracking a small smile.

"No, I'm not married, this was a gift from a dear friend of mine." Gazef said, looking at his ring.

Veri is about to say something before he is interrupted by a message. He bows and walks away, covering his hand with his ear.

"Lord Veri, our scouts have already captured the mages foolish enough to have attacked you. They shall be tortured and interrogated, we expect them to be weak-willed." Albedo stated.

"Thank you, Nari and myself should return briefly, we merely need to bid farewell then use one of our gate earrings. We also confirmed the existence of Yggdrasil spells and items... Though you already know that because you were watching... Ahem, I will see you at Nazarick." Veri said disconnecting the message.

His wife stops by him, looking downtrodden. He just raises an eyebrow as she leans against the house.

"I was trying to see if he would join us for our time together, I recall you said we'd have to try it once to see how you felt. He was a stereotypical gentleman, I also almost charmed him by mistake but stopped myself suddenly." Nari said Veri just snickers as she once again punches him in the arm. He simply rubs his arm while approaching Gazef.

"I am terribly sorry about my wife... We have a rather strange arrangement. You see, being as old as us, you're always trying new things, so you don't grow bored." Veri apologized, looking a bit awkward.

"There's no need to apologize Sir Blodi I understand your situation she apologized in a very similar way to you, I have fully dedicated myself to serving king and country." Gazef said, clearing up Veri's awkward feelings.

"You are truly a testament to humanity, the gold standard so to speak. I wasn't going to leave any way of contacting myself or Nari as we return to our meditation... But, should you ever require my help or even want to chat, use this." Veri said, reaching into his inventory. Gazef looked rather surprised at the hole that opened up.

He pulled out a rather creepy black ring with sharp white teeth grasping a red jewel. Veri sets it in Gazef's hand, he then looked at it, looking unsure.

"Sorry, I know it's rather... unsettling, but I swear it isn't cursed you merely need to wear it and think of me, and it should connect. It'll only work for contacting me and Nari have the only ones as far as I know. When you think of me, it will connect, just be sure to hold it to your face. I won't always be available, so if it won't connect, it will flash red." Veri said.

"Thank you, Sir Blodi. Do you mind if I test it right this moment?" Gazef asked, and Veri reached into his inventory to grab a near-identical ring. Gazef slips it on his finger and places it towards his face.

The one in Veri's possession begins to glow bright red as he walked away from Gazef. He then placed it near his own face.

"It will carry my voice like such through it, and yours similarly. You could also connect to my wife, I'll let her know now." Veri waits for a moment.

"Veri? I can see you, why are you contacting me, is something wrong?" Nari's voice asked through the ring.

"No, dear, I gave Gazef the other ring should he ever need our help. I already told him I won't always be able to answer, thanks to our meditation." Veri's voice carried over.

"Sir Blodi, may I ask what you meant earlier about your monastic traditions? What was the one thing worse than breaking the law?" Gazef asked.

"Ah, that would be if somebody were to enter our sacred ground uninvited they would have to be dealt with and would potentially start something rather bad... But do not fear, we take every measure to assure such things never happen." Veri finished.