Ch-2 Introduction to 40k

As Magos sat in his Quarters SG1 and General Hammond met in the situation room.

"What can you tell me of ArchMagos Jackson, he is a massive security risk with his abilities he could do massive damage not including his literal war crime in the form of Grenades."

Daniel Jackson pushed his glasses up and pulled out his notes on the Prayer Book he had gathered over the past six hours. "He is an equivalent to you General in the command structure of his Faith, he could command lower members into battle or gain borderline free resources from any planet.

And from what Jack told me he is excommunicated from his faith for breaking one of its Universal Laws."

The General's mind went into overdrive that this Magos was some kind of monster who killed innocents or worse, his thoughts stopped when Daniel continued.

"If he speaks the truth tried to innovate as under the 14th and 16th Universal Truth he broke ritual and questioned the knowledge of the ancients and upon doing this he was cast into *The Warp* the equivalent of super hell for us." Jackson shook his head and laid down his notes, as a man who had studied the ancient world he knew a great deal about faith and the Mechanicus was one of the most Dogmatic.

"That' He tried to innovate some piece of technology and was I'm sorry sent to super hell? Then how did he end up here?" That was insane to Sam as a woman who dedicated herself to science and studied the world she could imagine.

"He doesn't know, from what little he said he thought he would be killed or worse when his brothers found out. So if anything he could claim religious persecution and apply for refugee status." Jack threw into the conversation he knew that the tech that the Magos had and knew could really help the fight in space.

A knock on the door stopped the conversation and a Srgt Albert entered with a salute, "Sirs Ma'am, the uh guest has asked to meet with you."

Hammond gave a salute in return, "Have him come and join us this involves him as well." Hammond wanted to get this all sorted before the next mess that showed up the last thing they needed was a rampaging Cyborg.

They hear the stairs creak and groan as the massive Archmagos climbs his way to the top and joins them in the room, the Magos who had cleaned his cybernetics, human body and put on some provided clothes looked better if a little funny.

"Greetings, everyone, thank you for allowing me to gather my thoughts and allowing me to make a small presentation on my dimensions as I have proven I am in a different dimension so much of this will not apply but will give you perspective on my abilities and knowledge. Please do feel free to ask questions the video will pause."

Plucking a small device from his arm a holographic image appeared in front of each member.

[Watch this video to go along with this]

"It is the 41st Millennium. For more than a hundred centuries The Emperor has sat immobile on the Golden Throne of Earth."

"He is the Master of Mankind by the will of the gods, and master of a Million Worlds by the might of his inexhaustible armies."

The next scene made everyone gasp slightly; a fleshless derelict corpse sitting on a massive Golden throne with hundreds of thousands of tubing and cables connected to the back, spine, arms , and head. Mercifully, the arms and legs were covered by pale beige cloth. At the front steps of the Golden Throne were numerous menials with heavy augmentations to where it seemed they were more machine than man.


Jack stopped the video first, "That [he waved wildly at the screen] is ruling a galaxy spanning empire? Can he even speak or does he communicate through thought or something.

"The Emperor was once a magnificent ruler who united Terra and united the galaxy through conquest and diplomacy. As for how the Empire runs? Not well entire armies of millions get lost in paperwork or arrive at planets a 100 years after the war is over without the Mechanicus it would have fallen thousands of years ago."


"He is a rotting carcass writhing invisibly with power from the Dark Age of Technology."


"The Dark age of Technology?" Sam asked confused at the term.

"The Dark Age of Technology was a time, when the Human race is at the zenith of their technological power and being the most dominant race in the entire Galaxy." Magos explained.

"How advanced was the Dark Age?" Jack asked.

"Advance enough that they have mass produced Teleporting Devices, casual Time Travel, Dimensional Disruptors, Black Hole cannons as frontline Weapons, Continent Shattering Guns as Point Defence Systems and smart Bombs strong enough to blow up entire Star Clusters. Sadly what little remains we as the Mechanicus have no way of maintaining it or making more of the science behind them is lost and it is a death sentence to try." replied sadly so much was lost he promised he would try and prevent that.

Everyone's jaw dropped at the sheer awesomeness that is the Dark Age Of Technology. Meanwhile both Jack was drooling as they heard about the weapons.


"He is the Carrion Lord of the Imperium for whom a thousand souls are sacrificed every day, so that he may never truly die."


Hammond was horrified, "Why, why do this, to sacrifice that many across that long is unimaginable."

"Those who are sacrificed are Pykers, those with the power to manipulate the warp also called witches, their powers are extreme and dangerous and if we stop it would be a million times worse."

"What could be worse?" Daniel had headed and seen people sacrificed to gods but at this scale.


"Yet even in his deathless state, the Emperor continues his eternal vigilance. Mighty battlefleets cross the daemon-infested miasma of the Warp, the only route between distant stars, their way lit by the Astronomican, the psychic manifestation of the Emperor's will" The image shifted showing hundreds of huge Gothic style Warships exiting from blazing Purple Portals, their Plasma Lances opening fire on an unseen enemy.


"Those portals are similar to the one you came out of Magos, and the size of those ships is extremely impractical." Sam pointed out, it reminded her of the Goa'uld ships with their gold calligraphy and stone armor in some places.

"Hmmm that confirms some things, I believe your "gate" acted as a conduit for the warp gate popping me out and they are as if no one will change anything to improve." Magos replied Making note in his wrist computer.


"Vast armies give battle in his name on uncounted worlds." It then showed huge War zones reminiscent of WW1 and WW2, only with Energy Weapons, Huge Mechas and Gunships raining hellfire on the Enemy.

"Greatest amongst his soldiers are the Adeptus Astartes, the Space Marines, bio-engineered super-warriors." The Scene showed 8ft tall Warriors, wielding Chain Swords and flamers burning away mutants as they charge civilians.


"Give me a moment please, I was close to these men."

Magos teared up at the sight of the Salamanders in his memories he served as their mechanic support and watched them throw themselves into battle after battle protecting the lives of every imperial citizen placing them above their own.

They are what inspired him to break his faith and begin to innovate and even study the space marines more closely.

The rest of the room looked over at Magos a robotic man shed tears over these super soldiers

"Archmagos, who are these men?" Teal'c asked for Magos, who is more man than machine to mourn them they must have been impressive.

"These men specifically are the Salamander Chapter of the Space Marines, one of the few beacons of hope in my home galaxy. They believed every human life was sacred and I served with a small group for around 50 years and considered them brothers. They inspired me to be better than I was before." Magos said as a sad smile spread across his sallow skin.

"Archmagos... I'm sorry to ask but could you make these super soldiers." Hammond hated to ask but he knew the president and the rest of the military would want to have these men.

Immediately Magos answered,"No not anywhere close to these men, I was in the process of learning how when I was excommunicated. I can enhance people to be above human standards but not as far as these men but I can make most of their gear but I will not be for some time till I come to trust your nation."

Hammond nodded he would tell his superiors that.


The next scene showed Millions of Gas Masked Soldiers, matching in Perfect union.

"Their comrades in arms are legion: the Imperial Guard and countless planetary defence forces"


"These would be your equivalents, the guard numbered in the trillions and are above even your special forces in skill and discipline. These here are the Kreig they are all from the same planet they say they are trying to redeem themselves to the Emperor for their ancestors' sins."


"The ever vigilant Inquisition and the tech-priests of the Adeptus Mechanicus to name only a few."

The next scene showed a man with a bionic red eye in black Power Armor, a raised sword in his right hand and an open book in his left, surrounded by dozens of augmented slaves. The camera slowly panned to the servants, showing the grotesque fusion of flesh and machine that now beheld them.


Daniel threw up in his mouth at the sight, while Magos was a little off putting he was still human, some of these people were rotting.

"Those are servitors usually are criminals or those who go against the faith, but there are some Tech Priests that pay families for unwanted members.

As AI is an abomination in the eyes of the Machine gods these men and woman's brain are overwritten till they can do only the most basic of tasks," Magos grimaced.


But for all their multitudes, they are barely enough to hold off the ever-present threat from aliens"

A giant Green Alien with a curved sword yelled "Waaagh!" before charging.


All of the Earthlings look over at Magos, Orcs? Really of all things. "Orks are the worst you could kill everything on a planet down to the germs and they would still come back as they grow from a fungus."



The next scene showed a Space Marine, but unlike the previous ones, it has massive horned helmet and multitude of purple glowing sigils across his body. His chest was covered in wide leather studded straps, the lower half covered in a long loincloth made from human skin with three fresh skulls and a severed hand hanging from the chest, the legs covered in black leather studded boots that reached the thighs with chains wrapped around the knees, and brown bandages wrapped around upper and forearms.


All in the room have to look away at the sight as the Chaos Cultists make there Brain hurt for some reasons, "Those are part of the reason religion plays such a massive role in my home dimension as faith has a literal impact on the Warp and Material plain."



The next was what could barely be called a man, a creature with sickly skin that held numerous scars and tubes filled with an unknown substance, massive mechanical claws with wires connecting to the shoulders replacing its forearms, the head covered by a metallic helm that was seemingly grafted onto the skull with tubes running from the back of the skull to a tank on the back. The creature was bare, save for a loincloth that mercifully covered the crotch, and leather belts that ran from the shoulders to around the waist and chest with studs decorating the lines.


"Some Mutants are actually allowed to live under the Imperial Government if they are useful, like Ogryn who while massive have on average lower intelligence than base humanity. But most mutants do to imperial law and damaging mutations turn into heretics."


- and far far worse."

The scene showed a rip in the fabric of reality and from it burst out a great Red Creature with massive horned wings, wielding dark flaming sword and a Whip. The creature roared causing the sky to turn dark blood-red. And then to the horror of the viewers it began raining, but instead of clear colourless rain-water, dark red liquid poured from the sky. The viewers immediately knew what it was. Blood.


The air in the room rippled as the screen showed a Slanasshi demon, Magos quickly changed the image and paused allowing the room to recover.

"I apologize for that, I thought I distorted it enough to not damage your minds. I'll fix that for distribution." Magos blurred the image more and did a rough drawing of a Daemon.

Jake and Teal'c recovered first asking what they wanted to know, "What was that thing?"

"That was a Daemon of It who Thirsts, a Daemon of excesse in all things pleasure, pain, lust ect. I will not speak of them more just to be safe."


"It is to live in the cruelest and most bloody regime imaginable. These are the tales of those times." The scene showed thousands of people being executed by Flamethrower, over the suspicion that they worship the wrong gods.


All the Americans in the room were horrified they all believed that you should worship as you see fit, but after seeing the other options for Gods they understood how horrifying the World Magos came from was.


"Forget the power of technology and science, for so much has been forgotten, never to be re-learned. Forget the promise of progress and understanding, for in the grim dark future there is only war. There is no peace amongst the Stars, only an eternity of carnage and slaughter, and the laughter of thirsting gods."

The room was in stunned silence at the information they were given, and were impressed with Magos not being a complete monster who started killing them all immediately.

"I'm sorry to show you all that but I wanted you to understand what monsters can lurk in the stars, besides the Goa'uld you may never come across what I have shown you but I want Terra to be prepared." Magos solemnly nodded truly didn't know what was all out there in the Space as he didn't believe his ROB dropped him in Base Stargate.

"Magos, can you get me a physical copy of that video and give a small interview for the president and his staff? After that you are all dismissed and get some rest after that." Hammond said already dreading the call he will make in the coming hours.

"Of course General Hammond, I have already prepared something for them. Also if you could permit myself and SG1 to go off world so I may demonstrate my weapons." Magos who wanted to have some fun with SG1 as they needed a break.

"Granted take Magos to the Alpha site the scientists there will want to watch, now excuse me I have some calls to make."