
Sam Carter was not giddy no matter what Colonel O'Neill said later the weapons and gear that Magos had shown in his presentation was horrifying and awesomely powerful.

"Magos, can you tell me about all the weapons you have here and you can build." Jack picked up an absolutely massive gun and picked it up and looked it over.

Magos gently took the Literal death ray from his hands, "Quite a lot Colonel O'Neill, as awful and monstrous as the Empire of Man is they know how to make some great guns.

As for what I have here: Lasguns, mono-knives, flak armor, frag grenades combat drugs, Plasma and volkite weapons. Power and transonic blades. Omnessian axe. Powered armor. Refractor fields. Plasma, viral, radiation grenades."

He picked each mentioned weapon up, securing them to his person or in some provided weapon containers.

"Lastly my Servo skulls, each of these were volunteered by some friends of mine of the years, all 12 of them are mostly meant for day to day maintenance but they can act as weapons or shield platforms." He patted them on the head as the rest of the group just left it at cultural differences.

"Now, obviously I don't have them here but Planetary defensive lasers are strong enough to cut your aircraft carrier in half in an instant not including the various missiles and other strike craft." Magos pulled up various weapon platforms on a hologram showing the group.

Much to Sam and Jacks delight he could get big honking space guns soon and she wanted to examine the engineering behind them.

The group moved to the gate room where command was already dialing the Alpha site the backup if things on Earth go to shit.

As they entered the room Magos saw the Stargate portal whoosh out and swirl as the gates connected across time and space.

"You ready Magos?" Sam asked as the others stepped though and Magos nodded and stepped through the portal and was sent halfway across the Galaxy to the Alpha site.

Still heavily under construction, most of the site was similar to many of the military bases in the Middle East but in a more temperate forest, most of the men were sleeping in tents or half constructed wooden cabins.

As this place was only two months old with a very narrow resupply time slot as three other teams were constantly using the gate back home, most of the personnel were soldiers and the occasional scientist studying the soil for future farming and manufacturing plans.

Jack talked to the head of the base and told him where the firing range was which was a good distance from the base to keep the noise down, Sam began pulling out some recording equipment and pointed out some targets.

"I'll start with the most common equipment which is used the Imperial Guards, it is cheap, common and sturdy."

"Here we have the Lasgun the most common weapon built by the Mechanicus and has even been built by Blacksmiths on Medieval worlds, strong enough to pierce a foot of steel and keep going. It is also considered the weakest of the weapons only to be used in mass." Shouldering the Lasgun and firing, a bright red flash of light and crack like thunder shoots out of the gun and in an instant a metal target partially explodes sending molten spray all over the range.

SG1 looked on in shock and Jack's face split into a grin, "Do you mind if I give it a shot?" Reaching for the rifle , Magos handed it over and explained how to fire.

"The Lasgun is extremely easy to fire by design so a peasant from some feudal world can do it, it is also extremely easy to maintain and manufacture. I've built them in a literal Blacksmith forge from scratch, also with no bullet drop the shot will go till the atmosphere dissipates the shot."Jack raises the rifle and adjusts his stance then opens fire at first he aims a little to high as he had only fired combustion based weapons, but within 5 shots he is vaporizing targets.

After 5 minutes he realizes that he had destroyed the targets and looks back at Magos with a smile. "This thing is Awesome Magos. How soon can you make more, these things would destroy the Goa'uld in a single shot."

Magos gave the equivalent of a snort and pulled out his Volkite rifle, "That thing nicknamed flashlight, this is a real weapon." He aimed his literal death ray and at some boulder in the range which quickly heated into lava and shattered around and lit a couple places on fire.

Magos laughed with glee and fired a couple more times, sending debris everywhere, making the camp come over and look at the chaos on the range.

"This is a Volkite Rifle a powerful thermal ray weapons whose technology Volkite Weapons produced a deflagrating attack, in which subsonic combustion caused by a beam of thermal energy propagated through a target material by thermodynamic heat transfer so that hot burning material heated the next layer of cold material and ignited it. A Volkite Weapon's heat ray had a devastating effect on organic matter, explosively burning flesh into ash and jetting fire. Don't expect an army load of these. They are extremely resource intensive and this cost me 60 years of favors and knowing some very old Space Marines."

The gathered soldiers looked at the mess this weapon caused and what the Lasgun did and went back to Magos and quickly formed a line to test out the cool new guns.


While the Alpha site "cleared land for future expansion" General Hammond was flying to Denver as the President was on a layover with Air Force one and he needed to explain the situation In person and show the president the video, as the phone call will not do the situation Justice.

Hammond closed his eyes and massaged his eyes thinking over the Magos, his technology violated so many international laws and rules of war it made his head hurt.

But he thought about what one of his aids had said, "Aliens don't have rights." When they heard about the radiation bombs that were common on the battlefield in Magos dimension.

Wasn't that mind boggling of all the things he would discovered under his command that wasn't one of them.

"General Hammond, Sir we'll be landing momentarily and President Clinton is ready when you arrive." An airmen saluted him and waited for his return.

"Thank you Airmen and dismissed." He returned salute and felt the plane slow then turn then landing gracefully.

Gathering his files and notes from the past day, he was met outside with a score of secret service men who checked him for weapons then escorted him onto Air Force 1.

"George, it's good to see you! Come here and take a seat, want something to eat or drink?" President Bill Clinton stood at a small bar pouring himself a drink.

"It's a pleasure as always Mr. President, I'll take a bottle of water if you have one." Bill grabbed a bottle then sat with Hammond at a table off to the side of the room.

"I've said it before, call me Bill in private." The president gave him a smile, as the SGC was something he kept a close eye on as the reports and the technical knowledge from the recovered weapons had spawned some interesting results for the military. All of this with the daily phone calls with updates from the SGC had made the general and president quick friends.

"Of course Bill, but I'm afraid this isn't just a social call. We have made contact with an interesting individual. At 0200 hours the previous night the Stargate activated and showed extremely odd behavior and energy readings.

At 0204 the iris was ordered to be shut which failed to do so and the gate activated, where normally an Blue portal would appear this one was Purple and shot bolts of energy out of it.

[Hammond pulled some photos taken from the security camera in the gate room showing the portal.]

Then at 207 a figure later identified as Archmagos was thrown through the portal with him a number of weapons, dornes, and personal items followed soon after.

He was taken into the infirmary where it was discovered he is covered in extensive Cybernetics which hijacked some medical equipment allowing Dr.Fraiser to monitor his condition.

When he awoke he explained who and what he is, he also did an interview and made a presentation about his home dimensions."

As Hammond spoke he passed over photos of each weapon, skull drone and Magos himself Bill shuddered at the sight of the man.

Hammond gave Bill a moment to process the situation and look over everything and made notes on a legal pad then waved for Hammond to continue.

"This is the interview and preparation, Bill be prepared this is hard to watch."


Hammond placed the device Magos used to do the presentation which popped up a video taken before Hammond allowed SG1 and Magos off world.

It flickered for a moment as it showed Hammond across the table from Magos as some holding area.

"This General Hammond Commander of Stargate Command, conducting interview of ArchMagos Engiseer, ArchMagos please begin."

In a semi robotic voice Magos began,"I am ArchMagos Tilvius Fromaly of the Mechanicus and former head of the maintenance for the 301st Chapter of Salamander Space Marines. I served faithfully for 305 years in service of the Machine god and an additional 20 heretical whereupon I was outed by another Techpriest and sentenced to the warp.

I formally ask for refugee status under the form I-589 nine as I claim religious persecution against the members of my faith.

I have the equivalent of over 20 PHDs in a variety of fields of study and practical skills in stellar warfare like your nations have never seen."

Bill sat back in his chair letting the information digest, "George that man is disturbing but that wasn't that bad, if he is telling the truth I'll have him accepted and given citizenship if his claims are true."

Hammond pulls a rather large laptop computer and opens another video, this one a lower quality taken from a human camera.

"I have SG1 escorting Magos off-world to test his weapons, here is some of the footage." The video shows the power of the Lasgun destroying the layed out targets.

Hamond closes the laptop, "Magos calls this weapon a laser pointer compared to his other weapons and he also has another video about his dimension from his knowledge."