The Sword

What do we do now, search for a clue in the lake ? " " What if someone picked the clue before us ? " Jonas asked. " No, the second clue will only be appear when we solve the first clue." So I hope this clue will lead us to the third puzzle and when we complete all five puzzle, the fifth puzzle will give what we want"

said Loren. Search for something special or looks different, the lake is blue so the water seems very transparent. Jonas got into lake and started looking, Loren was looking in the corners and I was looking from the ground to the water. The sun is setting, I saw a shining object in the water by reflexion of the sunlight.

" Jonas what is that ?? "

He said " It's in the bottom" and he took a deep breath and swam to the bottom of the lake to see the object, I can see how hard he tried to take that shiny object and he swam to reach the ground and he was panting, I looked his hands to see the object but there was nothing. He told " It was very hard to pull, I tried my best to take it. " Loren said

" Move, let me try , " SANTARIO LI EXPANIO "

The object started to move and he repeated the spell, it was coming up from the sand and suddenly it stick to Lorens hands. It was a sword. " Maybe this is the second puzzle " said Loren. " How do we solve this puzzle, a sword ? " Jonas asked. I said " If we can solve a werewolf eye, then we can definitely solve a sword. " Thats right ". It's dark, we better stay here tonight said Jonas. We all looked the sword to find anything, Jonas asked " what is this?" It was a round shaped drawing in the handle of the sword. Loren said " Its just a drawing ". Jonas touched the drawing and pressed it, suddenly the handle and the blade got moved and saw a piece of paper between the handle and the blade when Jonas pressed the drawing.

" The puzzle wasn't the sword it in this paper.