Ring The Bell

Something is written in the paper, it says


" Whaat ?? Is someone gonna die ?? asked Loren. Jonas said " Ask for a help from your old friends ". " You are talking like I have full of friends in Albania, I haven't visited Albania for 900 years said Loren. Jonas said " Then what are we suppose to do ??

" Solve the puzzle, thats it " I said.

" Whatever it is we will discuss it in the morning " said Loren. We all layed under the tree near the Lake.

At morning, we reached in the hotel, Jonas was looking the sword to find anything and Loren was laying on the couch with some books in his laps and the third puzzle paper in his hands. I went to the balcony to make few phone calls. I called Aunt to make sure I am in college trip and I called Gia and she asked "How is the holiday with your cousins? "

" Uhh hmm its going well ". I said. She asked

" Ohh, when are you coming back ??

" Soon " I said and I hung up.

I felt terrible lying to her, once when this is all over I'll definitely clear it.

Jonas asked " why dont we go outside and look if there is a bell or something related to

it Loren nodded.

Loren went inside to an antique shop and asked the man " Do you know if there is a common bell nere ? " He said

" Gentleman I am here for almost 20 years, I dont know any bell near. " Ohh Fine, Thank you". Suddenly I remembered

" Guys, why do I always forget that I am a Futorien. " They both stared at me.

" Its not just a question its a riddle " I said and I opened my bag and took my drawing to show them.