The Church

The drawing was a man ringing the bell in the church . " So this is the third puzzle ". said Loren. " I'll RING THE BELL WHEN YOU DIE, "The church is the place when we ring the bell if someone die " I said. "So now we should go to the nearest church and find the fourth clue." Jonas said.

" Is this the church ?? " I asked.

" It should be, there are only two church in this area, this one and the other one is a new church. It must be this church, its very old one. Lets look for the Bell it must be in the back side." said Loren. " The gate was closed as it was 6 pm so Loren used a spell to open the gate and we found the Bell. " As the drawing shows that a man is ringing the Bell, I think we need to ring it ". said Jonas.

" What if someone hear ?? " I asked.

" Its almost dark no one will notice it "

said Loren. Jonas went to ring the bell and he looked at me, I nodded and he rang the bell and suddenly something came out from the bell into Loren' s hands. It was a paper, the fourth clue. Jonas said " You both go back to the hotel. " "Why ?? What about you ? "I asked.

" Its full moon night, I have to turn. "

" So every full moon night werewolf's have to turn ? I asked. " Not all of them, some werewolf's can control their turning ". he said.

I and Loren was walking back and I can hear the bones cracking and his scream changing into a howl. I wanted to look back but I didn't.

Loren said " He will be alright ".

We got into the car and looked the fourth clue...