Love does Care

" See you there?? Is he coming too " I asked to Gia right after James left.

" Well you are going right, so.... "

" No way, he is just being friendly ". I said.

" I dont think so, he is totally into you" Gia said.

"As I told you before, I am a happy commited girl".

" I'll agree that you are commited Eve, but are you sure that you are happy commited girl" Gia asked.

" What makes you say that"??

" "The evelyne I know is a girl who loves adventure, party, prom, cool but with Jonas, he is a lot introvert and it is not at all your type. "Gia said.

" That is Love, whatever unsuitable things are there, no matter what, Love doesn't care about it... "

" Love care about everything, I agree Eve, I am not asking to break up or not trying to ruin your relationship, I just want you to make your choice wisely... and you've got this happiest moment in your life to enjoy for being a sister and where is he to share your happiness ? " Gia asked. " I was blank in that moment, didn't know what to say, thinking about it again and again... " Hey, I didn't mean to upset you, I always want you to be happy " Gia said.

" I know , let's keep going to class...

The stuff Gia said was murmuring in my ears like it keep saying ' Love cares about everything '. After class I went home and called Jonas and texted him a million times, where are you?? ". Maybe it's usual to have questions without answers in a relationship. Its my First Love, so I think its normal. Am I in Love??