For God's Sake

I am not going to be that annoying girlfriend who judge him for everything....Its summer vacation,

no college, no studies, hope I'll find a way to figure things out with Jonas.

"Aunt, I'm going to hangout with the girls, call me if you need anything"

" Have fun " Aunt said.

" So guys, Adam just....

" Ugh thats enough no more words about him " Gia said.

" Thats right, no more boys talk today " I said.

" Ok then, we gathered here to have fun and look at you Eve. " Chloe said.

" Okk what about a girls night over tonight?? I said.

"Agreed but dont come up with this bulky face. Chloe said.

" Sure, agreed ... "

The girls night over was an excuse for me to head back home, I don't know really how to talk to them.

They are my best friends, they even know if I have anything on my mind. I cant just lie straight to their face. I went to Lorens house.

" Hey there " Loren called out.

" Hey, same question... have you seen Jonas ".

" Yeah, its been only 10 minutes since he left the home, I saw him entering the house and after few minutes he left.... Loren Said.

" Didn't he call you?? "

" No, its been two damn days, praising he is alive. Thanks Loren. I said with full on rage voice and walked out. I called him again and ended up in a voicemail ' Jonas, I dont know what are you going through or what is happening with you, but I am telling you whatever is it talk to me....'

Suddenly I got a call from an unknown number, I took the call expecting it was Jonas..

' Heyy '

' Hi, its me James ,I'll be in the park,are you free today evening.'

" Oh, ' For gods sake ' I said and hung up...