The Nightmare

Didn't realise the time running while I was chit chatting with Aunt in the phone, she keep me updated about her pregnancy and there is only 2-3 months left for the little baby to be born. I feel the baby would be so lucky to have her parents like them. She shouldn't go through what I went through, waking up with nightmares, feeling alone, when you sit in the class and the teacher ask to tell about family or to make a family tree, the column where we have to paste the family photo will be blank and when the teacher and classmates ask where is the photo, I would say the reality that they have died and Im an often my aunt and uncle is taking care of me. The teacher looked me like a puppy who has lost its way from home with her eyes filled with pettiness and she starts to say " Ohh honey and started taking care of me like I have some dieing diseases and when it comes to the children they looked with with smirk and full of hate in them, treating me like garbage. When I was sitting in the canteen eating lunch, a girl was walking towards me with a glass of orange juice and when she was besides me she dropped the glass and the juice spills all over my uniform, I didn't react, I didn't shouted, I wasn't angry at her, all I can feel at that moment was tears running over my cheeks.

I woke up with a gasp breathing hard that I could not take all the air I wanted with sweat covered in my body, my hands trembling with fear and shock.

That was the moment I realised it was all a dream and I fell asleep while I was calling aunt. I ran to the kitchen and drank the half of the water in the jug. I was breathing heavily and the tears was running. Suddenly my phone rang and it took a breath while I heard the ring, I attended the call and I spoke

"Hello" with a trembling half crying voice.

" Evelyne, Are you okayy?? " a conserned voice replied, I looked the saved name and I realised it was James.

I started crying in fear and shock and told

" I dont know "

" Hey heyy, where are youu??? "

" At home, I'm afraid. "

" Do not hang up the call, Iam going to be there in 2 minutes "

I didn't reply instead I continued crying.

Suddenly I head a knock and head towards the door.....