Stupid !!

I saw James in front of me when I opened the door. He looked worried with his wide brown eyes, letting his front hair fall in front wearing black shirt and plack pant. When he knew I was going to stand there forever, he walked inside and asked me

" Are you okayy " and he didn't wait for the reply he started searching the house, I was not in the state of mind for that as I went to my room and lie on bed holding my hands together, It was very cold, it didn't matter to me all that came through my head was that stupid dream. I opened my eyes and stared the wall, Suddenly I feel the mattress having more weight, I looked and found James sitting beside me, he wiped a tear rolling from my eyes and was smoothening my hair with his hand and he said " Eve, I dont know what happened or who caused you to be like this, I swear if anyone is responsible for this bloody hell, I'll snap their neck off and stab a dager through their heart. I looked at him with my eyes filled with tears, I looked him for a long time and said " Its nothing, its just I had this terrifying nightmares when I was a kid and suffered a lot in that time but suddenly it just disappeared and today I got it, my parents death and all, I freaked out, I am sorry I know it is stupid but I cant control it, sorry for the trouble James..."

" First of all It is not stupid... and second, I would be here in a minute if you need me.. "

I didn't responded instead I felt a great relief and closed my eyes. Now I feel the weight on the bed going.. assumed he is going, yeahh he has a lot of work to do other than sitting here. Suddenly i feel the weight again on the bed I looked to see if he again sat on the corner but he didn't, I turn around and saw James lying beside...