Heaven In Earth

I saw him lying the bed besides me facing the ceiling. I was staring at him lying on to his side and looking at him with a small smile. I dont know why I'm looking at him like that but I feel comfortable by looking at him. Suddenly he looked at me and slide to face me. He is staring at me so am I. Minutes passed without anyone saying a word.

"James " I called with a calm voice.

" Yeah "

" Are you sure you dont know what happened at that party while tou where drunk "

His face turned red, pale and stared at me with no answer, after some time he said

" I do remember it Eve "

" Ohh uhm I guess you told that you didn't remember what happened because ut was out of nowhere and the alcohol kicked in... I understand.

" No, it wasn't like that " his voice was calm, deep.

" What do you mean? "

" Yes I was drunk that day, and I kissed you out of anywhere and after I reaches home I passed out. But I woke up in the middle of the night and realised what have I done and rewinded the night. All I can think of was you, your red lips, soft, tender, and when I tasted it it felt like strawberries, I craved for more and more and for the record I dont regret kissing you because who wouldn't take a chance if you have the ticket to heaven and if I have a chance again I would do it again and again.. My eyes falled on you the moment at the first day at college, looking innocent wearing a yellow dress letting your hair down smiling while you talked to a girl, I was fighting but I my eyes falled for you and I called you out and said " That girl will say who started the fight ". I wanted you to look me back right in my eyes and when your black eyes was looking at me I skipped a beat at that moment, not only that day everytime you looked me with those pretty eyes I'll skip a heartbeat. So No Evelyne, I don't regret kissing you, I dont regret falling for you and I dont regret falling in Love with you. "

That came out pretty sudden. " James, I've been having trouble sleeping because of you, the moment I close my eye's the picture of you enters in my head and I don't know whether it is love of anything more than that because I didn't fell in Love until this moment, I had a relationship, I liked him but I never loved him. So yeah I dont regret enjoying the kiss James.. "

The moment that words came out from my mouth he grabbed by chin pulled towards him and there it is the heaven in earth, I feel him craving more and more so am I, we both kissed for a long time feeling each others lips sucking in breath his hands running around my neck to waist