Bad Vibe

Hours passed, I am lying on his chest touching his shirt exploring the buttons while he was exploring his hands on my waist.

" How do you feel now " he asked

" Better, great actually, uhh its a rare thing you know, suddenly this nightmare came after all these years. It used to come when I was a child suddenly it disappeared and now out of nowhere it came again and I didn't know what to do, I felt totally helpless. "

" You dont need to worry about that anymore, Now I am here, not only for now, everyday, every minute, every second, if you need me I'm here and if you dont even else Im here. "

" I know and I'll be there with you too, teasing you and on your ups and downs.. "

He smiled looking straight in my eyes touching my cheeks. God, I love him....

" Do you realise it feels like a wedding vow " I said we both burst into laughter.

" Yeahh it does.. Maybe one day we'll be better than this on our wedding... " James said.

" I hope so ".. we both burst in laughter.

Days passed after this nightmare its bern a week since I've had another nightmare , I usually like to sleep on mornings when I'm bored but now I'm afraid if I sleep on mornings, I might not sleep at night and these horrifying nightmares keep rushing through my mind and waking up covered with tears and sweat makes me keep doing busy things on the morning and sleep with nothing on my mind, I cant say nothing obviously there is James on my mind twenty for into seven.

I was calling aunt and making sure she is ok and she tells me about her tests, pregnency complications her excitement about her baby and were discussing baby names and she was due on 2-3 months. Suddenly I heard a knock on door and I expected it to be Gia and Chloe but instead it was another blank letter. I recieved this same paper with fancy border thick paper last week but yet not a single word in it and nor the person knocked on the door is there. It doesn't seem like the normal paper it is special and I kept the letter last time in my room and I kept this letter too in my room. I dont know why but I'm getting a bad vibe and from a stupid blank letter.