Chapter 32 Xu Nianliang

Upon hearing this, the expressions of the Third Elder and Ao Yan shifted subtly; they knew very well about how Huaqing Pill came to be.

For a moment, their faces showed signs of embarrassment.

"What's going on?" Elder Jiang asked, surprised.

"No worries, I came here to visit you, an old friend, and also to check on my disciple and myself."

After some idle chat, the Third Elder got to the point, "I've brought the medicinal herbs. Can we refine the elixir today?"

"You managed to get the Lotus Flower? In that case, we have all the ingredients. However, I'm afraid we can't finish the refinement today. It seems you haven't come here in a while, so why not stay for a few days?"

"Well, then I won't hold back."

There was no harm in staying for a few days anyway. After some more small talk, the Third Elder got up to get on with his tasks, only then did he realise that Ao Cheng and Jiang Xiaobai were missing!