Chapter 33 - Shocking the Holy Son

Upon seeing this scholarly man, a delightful smile instantly appeared on Xu Nianliang's face.

"Saintly One, why are you here?"

At this moment, Xu Nianliang was behaving completely differently from before, he was quite literally acting like a fawning sycophant!

It seemed like he could hardly wait to bow his head for a pat.

"Didn't you need some help with menial work? That's why I came looking for you. But I see you have friends over, so I won't intrude," Saint Kong Yuhuai said with a refined smile.

"No, no, Saintly One, these two aren't my friends. Wait for me, I'll clean up straight away and then accompany you to refine pills!"

Xu Nianliang immediately shouted, hastily starting to clear up his stuff, while completely ignoring Ao Cheng's two companions, acting as if he didn't know them at all.

"You, Mr. Xu, you really know no shame. Saying you don't know us, that's it?" Ao Cheng, the Second Generation Ancestor, stared at him wide-eyed, his temper flaring.