Chapter 77 Brother Jiang, please accept my bow

He burst into laughter because he realized that the bloated figure on the stretcher was Ao Tianheng.

In fact, at this point, Ao Tianheng was so swollen from the wild bee stings that he was barely recognizable, but his clothing was still intact.

Otherwise, Jiang Xiaobai might not even recognize him, even if he spoke.

"This... can't be Ao Tianheng, can it?"

Ao Cheng finally grasped the situation, dropping his popsicle onto the ground in surprise.

Kong Yuhuai was even more horrified, his legs going a little weak.

So this is the fate of those who offend Ao Cheng and Jiang Xiaobai?

How tragic!

"Move, get out of the way!"

The disciples carrying the stretcher were yelling angrily, pushing everyone who blocked their way.

They were in a state of urgency!

If they were delayed, Ao Tianheng could be ruined.

As they passed Jiang Xiaobai and his companions, the three had a clear look at Ao Tianheng.

It was a simply pitiful sight.