Chapter 78: This is really skinning!

At these words, both Jiang Xiaobai and Ao Cheng were stunned on the spot.

Jiang Xiaobai, even more curious, went over to Kong Yuhuai, appraising him up and down.

Such scrutiny made Kong Yuhuai's eyelids twitch.

"What do you mean by that, Brother Jiang?"

"Hiss, that's strange. I never realized before you had such a shameless ability."

Jiang Xiaobai remarked in surprise.

"Indeed, I thought you were a quiet person, but it turns out you're just a quietly lascivious one."

"Quietly lascivious, full of sexual appeal!"

Ao Cheng affirmed this with certainty.

For a moment, Kong Yuhuai felt extremely embarrassed.

He scratched his head, "Heh heh, this is not praising you, Brother Jiang. I admire you!"

"Enough of that, no need to flatter me. As long as you do well in the future, Jiang Xiaobai will surely treat you well."

Ao Cheng dismissed him casually, "Well, since it's settled, let's not stay in this ghost place. Let's hurry back and see if that bastard Ao Tianheng is dead yet."