Chapter 85: The Sinner Ao Cangtian of Dragon Valley

"Who are you?"

Ao Cheng knitted his brows and Jiang Xiaobai, on the side, also moved closer to ask, "Do you know him?"

"I don't know jack shit about him. He's someone locked up in Dragon Valley's death prison. Why the hell would I know him?" Ao Cheng said with annoyance.

At this moment, the figure in the shadow stood up. Simultaneously, the scraping sound of chains sliding along the ground could be heard.


The chains scraping along the ground seemed to have been yanked tight, stretching taut before letting out a sharp noise.

The thin, frail figure froze in his place, still within the shadow. Although he was shrouded in darkness, one could vaguely make out his outline.

He was incredibly thin, about as skeletal as a man could be.

A chill instantly spread through Jiang Xiaobai's heart and he didn't need light to picture the repugnant figure in his mind.

Certainly ghastly looking.