Chapter 86 - Senior, would you like to go out?

Faced with the words of the old man, Jiang Xiaobai went over after some thought.

He was indeed a little curious about the matter of Ao Cangtian.

If Ao Cangtian did betray the Dragon Valley years ago, it wouldn't be hard to understand why they locked him up and tortured him for a century. After all, if Jiang Xiaobai was put in the same position, he would do the same.

But Jiang Xiaobai always felt that there was something fishy about Ao Cangtian.

So, he walked to a spot not far away, making sure that he wouldn't be killed if Ao Cangtian suddenly lashed out before he sat down.

Ao Cangtian examined him from head to toe and then burst into laughter.

"You're just in the Qi refining phase, and it seems like you've just started to absorb the Qi into your body. You're not from Dragon Valley either, so how did you end up in here?"

"Don't tell me it's because of that good-for-nothing Ao Cheng. That guy is hopeless."