Chapter 150 Hold Me!

"Lady Lin, I think you'd better stop struggling. We've ambushed you perfectly today, do you think you can escape?"

In the dense forest, more than a dozen men clad in black and emanating the aura of the Nascent Soul Stage had surrounded a woman in a white dress, which was now stained with blood.

Lin Sien's expression was cold, her delicate face smeared with blood. It wasn't her own, but that of her enemies.

"You think you can stop me?" Lin Sien's cold voice echoed as she swung her longsword, ruthlessly slashing at a man.

The two sides immediately plunged into battle again. However, these men seemed powerless to handle Lin Sien. After a long fight, they had failed to subdue her, and had lost seven or eight men in the process.

The leading man in black was shocked. He had heard rumors of Lin Sien's unparalleled talent and formidable power, and now he was witnessing it firsthand. The numerous attackers had failed to make any significant impact on her.