Chapter 151 - Let's Calculate the Cost

"Huh, she just fainted like that?"

Jiang Xiaobai was taken aback, "Hey, hey, hey, you're making it hard for me. It's not proper for a man and woman to be too close."

Despite his complaints, Jiang Xiaobai approached and put his finger under Lin Sien's nose to make sure she was still alive. Only then did he start checking her condition.

After a thorough examination, he found her wounds to be severe and entirely internal. Her organs had been completely overtaken by a fiery toxin, leaving her vitality nearly depleted.

"Honestly can't figure out how you're still alive."

Jiang Xiaobai murmured, "You're lucky you ran into me. No one else could have saved you."

As he said this, out came a Celestial Dew Pill. This heavenly medicine, commonly known as the "Immortal Pill", could cure any ailment when consumed. Reviving someone from the brink of death was no biggie.