Chapter 152 - Extra Charge Required

"I don't have that much money..." said Lin Sien unconsciously.

Jiang Xiaobai laughed, "No matter, we can make a loan if you don't have money, with fair interest and ample time."


Lin Sien was stunned, but she quickly reacted. Although she wasn't sure what the handsome man in front of her was talking about, she was certain that he intended to swindle her.

So, Lin Sien coldly rebuked him, "You rascal, talking nonsense, dream on if you want money from me."

"Eh? Why are you like this? At least I managed to save your life, you can't even show gratitude, and even scold me?" Jiang Xiaobai quickly stood up.


Lin Sien was immediately speechless, upon reflecting she realized he was indeed correct.

However, she could not help but feel angry seeing Jiang Xiaobai's attitude. As she was about to speak, a cry suddenly came from the entrance of the cave.

"Found it, she's here!"