Chapter 232 - Silhouette on the Bone Mountain

"Big bro, do we have a chance to kill that guy this time?" Third Brother asked, acting dumb.

"Humph, this time the Mad Demon Secret Land is filled with danger, we have plenty of opportunities. If not, why would I have you wait until now?" First Brother said with great satisfaction.

"Bro is wise!"

"Bro is mighty!"

"Otherwise, how could I be your eldest brother? Mother gave birth to me first because I'm wise!" First Brother stated proudly.

"When the time comes, we will act accordingly. The three of us will work together, retrieve the key to the treasure from that kid, and we can finish our task!"

"We will follow Big Bro's lead!"

"Me too!"


Time slowly passed, and finally, it was close to evening.

The previously noisy waiting area was now completely quiet, without a sound. Everyone was eagerly watching the sunset in the distance.

As soon as the time comes, everyone will start running like crazy.