Chapter 233 - What is really inside?

Jiang Xiaobai rubbed his eyes as he stared at the phantom figure shrouded on the mountaintop.

What could be the reason behind someone's presence on the Thousand Yuan Bone Mountain?

"Fatty, do you see anybody up there?" Jiang Xiaobai asked AnRan urgently.

AnRan was equally surprised: "Damn it, don't scare me Jiang. This Bone Mountain is notorious for its mysteries. How could there possibly be people here?"

"Then have a look over there!"

AnRan quickly followed Jiang Xiaobai's direction of point and looked across, but he saw no trace of anyone. It appeared clean and deserted.

"I don't see anything, Boss. Are you sure you didn't make a mistake, there are no figures here?"

"Huh? Is there really no one?"

Jiang Xiaobai puzzled, rubbed his eyes again, and settled into a daze.

The place where he saw the figure earlier was now empty and barren with nothing.

"Did I hallucinate?" Jiang Xiaobai pondered.