Chapter 252 - When It Rains, It Pours

Upon witnessing the scene ahead, Xiao Yuwei turned as pale as a ghost.

"Damn it, out of the frying pan into the fire, how did we end up here all of a sudden?" A tremor was evident in Xiao Yuwei's voice.

Jiang Xiaobai naturally noticed this subtle detail, causing him to furrow his eyebrows.

"What do you mean? What's going on here?"

"This place is known as the Cemetery of Death, those blue things, they are peculiar plants. They may look like small grasses but they are extremely poisonous!"

"Besides, this area is teeming with poisonous insects. Every step needs to be taken with utmost caution, any misstep might lead to a fatal consequence."


AnRan was shocked. Oh dear, this time they'd really stepped in it.

Things had escalated.

At this moment, they were in a real predicament – with enemies behind them and obstructions ahead.