Chapter 253 - Finally At Peace

Within a forest of stones, an eeriness prevails. The terrain is painfully complex, akin to a maze, and you never quite know what you'll run into after passing through each stone forest.

Thus, everyone treads carefully.

After what feels like an eternity, Jiang Xiaobai finally ceases to detect the mad dog pack pursuing him. Only then does he breathe a sigh of relief.

"Let's rest for a while."

Xiao Yuwei, leading the way, suggests, and the group finds a larger stone forest to sit and rest.

They've been in the Mad Demon Valley for two days now. The first day was somewhat orderly, but due to the mad dog pack, they've been fleeing for most of the second day.

Physically and mentally exhausted!

Upon sitting, none of them feel like moving. One by one, they take out their spirit stones and begin to restore their spiritual power.

In such unpredictable danger, it's crucial to maintain their strength at a healthy level, otherwise they'd surely die in a sudden crisis.