Chapter 254 - Has the Mad Dog Become Smart?

The periphery of the Stone Forest area, after a bit of travel, would lead to the Death Swamp area.

When Jiang Xiaobai and his group arrived, they were dumbfounded because many teams and people were standing in place with no intention of moving forward.

"What's going on?" Xia Yuwei squinted. She had already spotted her older brother, the Third Prince Xiao Wuwei, at the forefront.

She was very familiar with this brother, who was always competitive and strived to be first in everything.

After all these years, Xiao Yuwei had managed to carve out her own position, but she still lagged far behind Xiao Wuwei.

Therefore, seeing the ordinarily competitive Xiao Wuwei not making a move signaled a big problem.

Not just Xiao Wuwei, Xiao Ruyu was also standing at the forefront of the Stone Forest, her facial expressions obscured by a veil, but everyone could feel her tension.

"What on earth is happening?" Xiao Yuwei squinted even more and went forward to check.