Chapter 280: Can't Laugh, Trouble is Coming


Xiao Ruyu shook his head, "Nothing to compete with you about. Since you want to enter, what's wrong with me helping out, sister?"

"Then I am really thankful to you."

Although both were speaking in a calm tone, the intent in their words was anything but peaceful.

Quite impressive, as the heirs of the dynasty, even a simple conversation is filled with war intent.

Almost instantly after finishing their conversation, Xiao Ruyu waved her hand, and an elderly War God in his middle phase disappeared. When he reappeared, he was in front of Xiao Wuwei.

Xiao Wuwei might be in the beginning phase of a War God, but being the third prince of the dynasty, he had a multitude of methods at his disposal.

Facing a stronger opponent, Xiao Wuwei didn't show a hint of fear. True to his name, he was fearless!

When the two came into contact, Xiao Wuwei's fist method was extraordinary with terrifying power, matching blow for blow with the mid-stage War God without giving an inch.