Chapter 281 - Xiao Wuwei, About to Cry from Injustice

Xiao Wuwei's previous behavior was the epitome of jealous rage. If Xiao Ruyu managed to keep people's jealousy at bay with her immense power and status, Xiao Wuwei's actions were definitely adding fuel to the fire.

Everyone was irritated by him.

When they saw not only had Xiao Wuwei lost his chance to get in, but he had also wound up in such an embarrassing situation, how could they not be happy?

But of course, they had to keep their joy hidden, lest they seem inconsiderate. You just couldn't laugh at someone's misfortune, could you?

So, Jiang Xiaobai, the one who had orchestrated all of it, kept his glee to himself.

But he felt like he was about to burst.

Jiang Xiaobai, with rosy cheeks, supported himself on AnRan's shoulder while pounding his own chest to suppress the laughter.

Despite his best efforts, they didn't seem to work; he couldn't help breaking into gales of laughter.

The laughter was grating in this environment.