Chapter 288: Crooked Thoughts

"Guys, are you sure this plan will work?"

"Of course, it has to work whether it's viable or not. That fatso surely has quite a few Frenzy Demon Stones on him. I don't know how he got them, but who wouldn't be tempted by such wealth?"

"Exactly, he's alone. Does he really think he can control us with that so-called threat?"

"We've already set a trap for him here. With all of us working together, can he really survive?"

"Once we kill that fatso, we can divide up all the Frenzy Demon Stones."

A dozen or so people were scattered and hidden amongst the shrubs in a dense forest valley, whispering about something.

As the discussion came to an end, the dense forest quieted down again.

It was clear that these people were here for an ambush.

Not far from here, Jiang Xiaobai and AnRan were slowly walking past.

"Boss, do you really think they'll team up to kill me?" AnRan suddenly felt a bit scared.