Chapter 289 - Settled

AnRan had killed four, barely fulfilling his mission, but by this point, he was seeing red.

Truthfully, he hadn't expected these men to band together and attack him. He felt like he is being taken for a fool, toyed with. His anger was unimaginable.

Had it not been for Jiang Xiaobai holding him back, AnRan might have already charged up for a blood fight.

"Boss, why are you holding me back? I haven't finished the mission you gave me!" AnRan cried out in a hurry.

"Alright, you barely hit the mark. This time, let's not kill too ruthlessly. These people could still be of use," replied Jiang Xiaobai casually as he cleaned the dripping blood from his sword.

In front of them, the remaining survivors were all showing evident fear. Their courage was shattered by the terror they saw.