Chapter 431 - Reinforcements Arrive

About a hundred thousand miles from the central state on the outskirts of a small city, Jiang Xiaobai and his three companions were frantically fleeing.

Behind them followed countless powerful individuals.

Needless to say, they were damn well surrounded again. Luckily, there were not many powerful people on this border side, so it was impossible to corner Jiang Xiaobai entirely.

But catching up, that they could do.

Close to three hundred people were behind them, including more than ten powerful people in the Unity Period, among which one had even been transported here through a teleportation array.

Throughout the pursuit, countless attacks from the back came their way which left Jiang Xiaobai and his men tired and injured.

Amongst them all, Mo Yu had it the worst. She had been deliberately lagging behind the group, rushing up to block attacks intended for Jiang Xiaobai whenever possible.