Chapter 430 - I find him very interesting

Caught off guard by the sudden mention, the woman appeared a little stunned. She hadn't paid much attention to the two's conversation earlier.

"Elder, if this Jiang Xiaobai is indeed as portrayed in those records, this person indeed is somewhat demon-like."

"Especially considering he has been cultivating till now, not even half a year has passed, yet he has already reached such a realm. We can say there is no precedent in history."

"Of course, there are many rumors with no substantial evidence, and therefore is not very credible. After all, in this world, there are many methods to conceal one's cultivation. There is even the possibility that these pieces of information have been deliberately hidden by Long Valley, etc."

The woman analyzed rationally, her lively eyes filled with coldness. "However, to be fair, this boy has exhibited so many audacious actions. This is something ordinary people wouldn't be able to do."