Chapter 564: This Matter is Not Over Yet!

Gu Jingguo admitted that he was indeed a little out of his mind right now.

But he just couldn't stand it any longer!

His tribe had suffered heavily over the past three months!

For some reason, one day, items in the tribe's treasury had suddenly started to diminish.

Initially, only a few treasures had gone missing. Despite his investigations and surveillance, he had not been able to find any trace of the thief.

Later, not only the spiritual stones but also other resources began to disappear.

Unable to identify the culprits, Gu Jingguo had no choice but to keep all the treasures with him.

He had thought that this would solve the problem. But then three men clad in black attacked to steal the treasures!

They brazenly broke into the tribe in broad daylight and forcibly grabbed the treasures from the tribe members' hands.

And that was not all; they had even resorted to kidnapping now!