Chapter 565: Dare to Challenge Me to a One-on-One?

Dealing with this demon lord was nothing more than a simple task.

But after actressing this revenge, Mo Yu started to cry.

She knelt on the ground, crying bitterly, her body trembling incessantly, like a poor little kitten!

So what if he had killed this demon lord to avenge Mo Feng?

The dead cannot be revived!

Mo Feng was truly dead!

"Look forward, live on, that's Mo Feng's greatest wish."

Jiang Xiaobai patted Mo Yu's shoulder, sighing words of comfort.

That was all he could do.

Originally, his next step was to kill the other old enemies, but now, Jiang Xiaobai was not in the mood for it.

After all, he hadn't finished eating and drinking just yet.

"Come, let's go and have a good drink to celebrate!"

Jiang Xiaobai said, and Ao Yan had already moved forward, embracing Mo Yu in his arms, continuously whispering words of comfort.

The group thus left and headed towards a tavern.

As the saying goes, wine drowns all sorrows!