Chapter 574: Powerful Jiang Xiaobai

However, Jiang Xiaobai was still unaware of the situation at hand and decided not to stir things up just yet.

At the same time, he understood why Gu Ning had said that if he failed here, there was no need for him to enter the Abyssal Chasm.

The idea was to make Jiang Xiaobai everyone's enemy in the Abyss Forbidden Land!

"Damn it, you can't pull a fast one like that on your apprentice," Jiang Xiaobai muttered as he picked a random passageway to enter.

According to the information he had, the three passageways each led to different trials.

The one he chose was for a combat trial!

There were a total of nine levels. Passing one level would earn certain cultivation resources, and if one could pass all nine levels, there would be unlimited access to this Abyss Forbidden Land area.

However, this required passing all nine levels in one attempt, which means everyone only got one shot!