Chapter 575: Rules of the Forbidden Area!

Jiang Xiaobai probably understood that this person was about to reward him.

As for being able to easily pass this trial formation, Jiang Xiaobai wasn't surprised in the slightest.

After he had refined his Purple Zixiao Soul, if he couldn't even get through this sort of formation, he might as well just go bash his head against a block of tofu and die.

And Jiang Xiaobai had a sort of premonition that this Forbidden Land Guardian could also easily pass this sort of test.

Because the place they cultivated simply couldn't be compared with the Tianxuan Continent.

Following the Forbidden Land Guardian, Jiang Xiaobai entered a massive room. The lighting inside was much brighter than outside.

In the center sat a woman in a red robe, slim and with a calm expression.

After Jiang Xiaobai entered, the guide Guardian had already left.


The woman spoke aloofly.