Chapter 591: Primordial Spirit Blade!

Jiang Xiaobai felt ready to spit up blood.

How could his master still be so unreliable at this moment?

However, the situation was so urgent he didn't have time to ponder. Moving with the speed of the Dragon-converting Cloud step, he darted past many of the elite elven fighters.

Just as he arrived below the giant ape, the ape had already struck an elven genius far away with a hammer, and the hammer, while maintaining momentum, also came smashing towards Jiang Xiaobai.

Although the ape's attack was quick, Jiang Xiaobai was still able to dodge it.

However, he didn't counterattack right away, but continued to dodge and attract the ape's attention.

At the same time, the elven prodigies also seized the opportunity to attack the giant ape together fiercely.

However, Jiang Xiaobai keenly noticed that their attack seemed unable to cause substantial damage to the ape.

The giant ape looked hardy and tough, like a sandbag, impervious to their attacks.