Chapter 592 Let's Go Together

If it weren't for Jiang Xiaobai's self-sacrificing efforts, constantly drawing the Giant Ape's attention...

Even if they joined forces with terrifying power, they would not be able to kill it so effortlessly.

They certainly wouldn't be able to attack the Giant Ape so wildly, because its formidable power was too terrifying, capable of shattering their attacks!

"It appears your strength is much stronger than I imagined."

"Is it because of the special aura emanating from the artifact in your hand?"

Qiongyu suddenly spoke to Jiang Xiaobai.

Everyone was dumbfounded, only then noticing the Yuanyu in Jiang Xiaobai's hands. The aura it emitted was unlike anything they had ever seen or felt before!

An overwhelming sense of shock gripped them!

Could it be an immortal artifact?

But an immortal artifact's power was terrifying. Without reaching the Immortal Realm after surviving the Celestial Tribulation, it would be impossible to control!