Chapter 671: Bloody Massacre

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

A wild wind whirled, a horrifying aura exploding from the abyss.

Following suit, the ground began to tremble.

A monstrous scaled claw, as big as a mountain, abruptly landed on the edge of the abyss.


A massive mound was enshrouded in white fog.

The mound quivered slightly.

Then, it abruptly lifted several dozen meters off the ground, beginning to slowly move.


Above the calm lake, mysterious white fog incessantly permeated.

Upon closer inspection, the water surface began to ripple.

Small red threads spread in the water, eventually converging together.

A water column of earth-shattering magnitude burst forth, a gargantuan object, thrusting up beyond the clouds.


Of course, the peculiar things happening in the secret realm, the more than four thousand experts assaulting Jiang Xiaobai, were completely oblivious.

They were only thinking about one thing.

That was, the situation that had happened today cannot be known to outsiders.