Chapter 672: Yes, it's you!

What's wrong?

The script shouldn't play out this way, should it?

According to Jiang Xiaobai's analysis, under normal circumstances, these beasts wouldn't leave their territory.

Otherwise, this mystical realm would not be a playground for people.

It would be a place where people come to meet their end!

He also knew that most mystical realms were intended to provide a place for testing.

It was most likely so in this case.

This cliff secret realm was particularly unique. Anyone whose strength surpassed the late stage of Great Achievement simply couldn't enter.

Even obtaining the shining stone wouldn't work.

Adding the peculiar stele and enticing rewards within this mystical realm, it was clear it was created for trials!

Since it was for testing, it wouldn't lead to an unavoidable death!

As strong as these beasts are, there must be limitations. Otherwise, who would dare to explore this realm? Whoever entered would be signing their own death warrant.