Chapter 688: Uncle Jiang is Very Angry, The Consequences Are Severe

The crowd moving around the gates of Star Cloud City.

None of them expected the city gates to split in half all of a sudden on such a fine day?

Everyone was taken aback in astonishment.

Even Huo Shuyu's eyelids jumped in surprise.

"You're really audacious, aren't you afraid they'll come and kill us now?"

Huo Shuyu said with a twitch in his mouth.

"What I fear is that they won't come!"

Jiang Xiaobai smirked a little, producing a pill from his hand and tossing it out.

The pill exploded into dust in the air instantly.

Soon, the dust merged into the surrounding spirit qi.

"Swallow the antidote, otherwise not even the god can save you later."

Jiang Xiaobai tossed the antidote to the three Immortals of the Huo Family and Gu Wanqing.

This is a special pill he bought at a high price from the system.

Its effect can reduce the immortals to ordinary people without any cultivation!

A very peculiar effect of the medicine.