Chapter 689: A Wise Decision

"Scared, of course you're scared!"

Jiang Xiaobai laughed wryly, "But if I'm not scared, you won't mess with me?"

"Don't joke around, all of us are as ancient as turtles, don't play any ghost stories with me."

"Now you have two choices!"

Jiang Xiaobai stretched out two fingers.

"First, I kill you right here."

"Second, pay up and never oppose me again."

"Make your choice, you have one minute."

With Jiang Xiaobai's cold laughter ended, a rainbow abyss had already appeared in his hand.

At the side, Huo Shuyu and the others have also taken out their weapons, ready to fight.

These Immortal experts from Star Cloud Sect are like, damn!

When did the world turn out this way?

Chief elder Li Chenfei clenched his teeth, glaring at Jiang Xiaobai.

This is an absolute humiliation!

Of course, they wouldn't choose to die, who would want to do that?

But the second condition Jiang Xiaobai gave was freaking outrageous.