Chapter 81: Confidential Task (First Update, Please Subscribe)

As Shen Congfei descended the stairs, he found that both Mr. and Mrs. Luo Jin were not at home. Thus, he decided to go to the city hall alone.

As soon as he opened the door, the dazzling white light outside made Shen Congfei, who had been hunched in the house all day, squint his eyes.

Once he had slightly adjusted, he finally opened his eyes wide.

The weather was clear, the sun was bright, it was noontime, the temperature was comfortable, the trees were green, and the chirping of cicadas was incessant.

It was undoubtedly a midsummer scene.

A satisfied expression appeared on Shen Congfei's face. His gaze gradually shifted to the side yard's flower bed, where a slender figure was crouching, watering the flowers.

He quietly walked over and placed his hand on her shoulder.

The sound of watering abruptly ceased, and the watering can dropped to the ground.